Take a look at your once-stunning smile in a mirror. Is a missing tooth causing you to shy away from your reflection? You don't have to let a gap in your smile affect your oral health or appearance.
Instead, consider getting dental implants in Friendswood, TX. Implant dentistry can restore your smile and improve your quality of life.
On the fence about getting dental implants? Read on to discover the benefits of dental implants before making an informed choice for your future!
One missing tooth could cause the rest of your smile to change. When there's a gap in your smile, your jawbone will lack the stimulation it needs.
Your jawbone will start to deteriorate, which can lead to changes in your appearance.
Implant dentistry will allow you to fill the gap before jaw deterioration occurs. It's important not to delay treatment. If your jaw deteriorates, it will lack the stability and volume necessary to hold the implant.
Visit your Friendswood, TX, dentist to discuss your treatment options and the types of implants they offer. They'll determine if you're an ideal candidate for treatment.
If you're wearing dentures, your bone loss could accelerate. The dentures can rub against your bony ridge, causing the area to wear down. Dental implants are a more effective treatment option.
Your dentist will surgically place the implant into your jawbone, providing the bone with the stimulation it needs. Natural bone growth will occur around the implant, ensuring its stability.
If you're missing even one tooth, you may notice a change to your bite, ability to chew, or speech patterns. For example, a missing tooth can cause a lisp. Air will travel through the gap in your smile, making it difficult to pronounce certain words.
You may struggle to thoroughly chew your favorite foods before swallowing. If you don't chew thoroughly, your digestive system will have to work twice as hard to break down food chunks. You may experience digestive issues, all because of a missing tooth.
By age 17, about 7% of Americans have lost at least one permanent tooth. By age 50, Americans have lost an average of 12 teeth. Many dentists recommend these patients get dental implants because they function the same as natural teeth.
As a result, nearly three million people in the US currently have dental implants. They're made to look and feel like real teeth, improving functionality.
Most patients report that they forget the teeth aren't their own. Patients can eat and drink whatever they choose. They'll also look and feel better.
Improving the functionality of your teeth can improve your quality of life. You won't have to stop eating your favorite foods, which could cause nutritional issues.
Once the dental implant is placed, you can chew and speak as you normally would. You also won't need to adjust your dental health routine. Make sure you're brushing twice a day and flossing daily to maintain a healthy, beautiful smile.
Your dental implant will also be biocompatible (meaning your body won't reject the implant). It will look and function like your natural teeth. No one will even notice you have a dental implant among your existing teeth.
If you're missing a tooth, your surrounding teeth may start to shift to cover the gap. Your teeth may look crooked. You could notice a change in your appearance or bite.
If your natural teeth have shifted, you may need to schedule orthodontic treatment before receiving dental implants. Don't delay scheduling a consultation appointment with your dentist. Getting dental implants now could help you avoid oral health issues later.
One of the benefits of dental implants over dentures is they're surgically placed into your jawbone. You won't have to worry about the implant sliding or falling loose. Its stability will help restore the natural functionality of your teeth.
Implant dentistry can benefit your appearance. The implant will help preserve your jawbone. Otherwise, you could experience deterioration, which can impact your facial structure.
For example, your lower face and lips may shrivel inward. Wrinkles could form, making you look older than your age. A dental implant can restore your smile and help you maintain your natural appearance.
Failing to fill in the gap caused by missing teeth can affect your oral health. A gap gives food particles and bacteria new places to hide. Plaque (the tacky substance that can release acid) can form or harden into tartar.
You'll need to visit your local dentist to have tartar professionally removed. Otherwise, acid can cause cavities to form.
Remember, your teeth could shift if there's a gap in your smile. Your teeth may start to look crooked. You may require orthodontic treatment to restore your smile.
Neglecting treatment can also increase your risk of gingivitis (gum disease). When left untreated, gum disease can progress and cause your teeth to fall out. You may need more than one dental implant (such as all-in-four dental implants).
Before you notice a change in your oral health, talk to your Friendswood dentist. They can protect your smile with implant dentistry.
Your smile can have a major impact on your appearance and therefore, your self-esteem. If you're missing teeth, you could start hiding your smile among friends or when taking photos. You're not alone.
More than half of Americans feel insecure about their teeth. 57% cover their mouths when they laugh due to their insecurity. About 61% wish they could change something about their teeth.
The number one physical trait preference in a partner is their smile. A person's smile is also the first thing we notice when meeting someone new.
Implant dentistry can restore your smile and, with it, your self-esteem. You can show off your beautiful smile with confidence. That confidence boost could benefit you in social settings.
Don't let missing teeth affect your quality of life or oral health. Instead, consider getting dental implants. Treatment can restore your smile and help you avoid oral health issues in the future.
Our award-winning team at Bay Area Dental Specialists in Friendswood, TX, can restore your smile. We'll create a comfortable, rewarding dental experience each time you visit. Contact us now to request an appointment!
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