The primary teeth are the initial teeth that erupt from a child’s gums in the first few childhood years. There are 20 primary teeth, most of which will have appeared no later than age three. Because they are only temporary, some parents believe they are less important than the permanent teeth that will emerge around age five or six. However, primary teeth hold a special significance and are essential for a child’s long-term oral health.
Function and importance of baby teeth
Baby teeth have several basic functions. Decay can interfere with these functions and potentially lead to life-long complications. For example, severe tooth decay that causes tooth loss during childhood, perhaps due to sleeping with a bottle at night, can obstruct a child’s speech development. It can also hinder his or her ability to chew food sufficiently.
The primary teeth also serve as placeholders for the permanent teeth. When a primary tooth falls out or must be removed before its time, surrounding teeth may shift into the space the tooth once held. This can cause orthodontic complications once the permanent teeth begin to erupt, leading to serious tooth alignment problems and call for extensive orthodontic treatment.
Caring for baby teeth
Dr. Lisa Richardson and our team at Dentistry 4 Children will tell you it is never too early to begin caring for your child’s teeth. Baby teeth require the same care and attention that permanent teeth do. The American Dental Association recommends that children see a dentist as soon as the teeth begin to erupt from the gums. Early childhood dental visits usually include examinations, cleanings, fluoride treatments, and hygiene education for parents. It is also essential to adopt an oral care routine at home that includes daily brushing, flossing, and dietary modifications that support a lifetime of good oral health.
To learn more about baby teeth or schedule an appointment with Dr. Lisa Richardson for your little one, please give us a call at our convenient Friendswood, TX office!